Monday, September 22, 2008

My Passport

Before anything really dangerous happens to all my files, I need to make a back-up soon.  And when I say files, I mean about 2,000 songs, photos, videos, and website files.  I was just informed that our IT director is flying to Manila to make a supervisory visit.  Now I wouldn't want him to see the precious "junk" in my computer and drag them to the trash bin!

Counting the days to the arrival of this "demolition man," I'm about to take the next best thing against the destruction of my treasure. Now meet my new gadget.

This cute toy is the Western Digital My Passport portable external drive.  It comes in 160GB, 250GB, 320GB, and 500GB, and in many colors. Go here for more information.

Perhaps I'll be spending a considerable amount of time picking up my files from different photo gallery sites, folders, and thumb drives.  Welcome to File Storage and Back-Up 101! 


eye in the sky said...

hey. i have one - a 400GB external full of movies and some songs. quite handy too with those useless junks that you cant seem to get rid off - and you dont exactly know why. lol

jepayuki said...

hello eye! you must really be a big fan of movies =) and so definitely true, i don't know why i can't get rid off my songs! like i always tell my friends, no music no life =)

Anonymous said...

If it is the 500GB variant, please let me know where you bought it.

nice blog!

jepayuki said...

hi countdigit, mine is only 160GB. bought it in avant greenbelt.