Friday, September 5, 2008

The Beatles

My sister and I grew up learning the Beatles lyrics by heart as my mom had her complete collection of their albums and a big blue songbook that came with it. At least that's how vivid I can recall these things. I remember in the early '80s, we would play those large shiny discs onto our Marantz player all day long. Then an unfortunate accident happened in the late 1990s when my grandmother's house was caught in a huge fire where my mom's collection was. That treasure was such a great loss to us.

The Beatles is undoubtedly the biggest pop combo ever to have existed in the international music scene. From Liverpool, England, they released around 14 albums and sold over a billion records internationally. The Beatles' music helped define the culture of the sixties. So far, I don't know of any of our friends who has this great a liking or fondness for this group like we do. I kid you not, we could join a contest about Beatles songs and we can win it.

Nowadays, you can no longer find a compilation of all Beatles albums in one package. One time I was in Music One and there I saw the albums for sale but to be purchased separately. The discography of The Beatles would eat all of the space in this page if I were to list them all down. It is one massive record history I tell you. For those interested, you can see the full list here.

So I don't know what came over me yesterday and something just moved me to revisit the pop group's songs. They have been looping over and over in my music player up to this hour. Seems I've been bitten by the Beatles bug again. =) Their music takes me to an era I don't belong to, but nonetheless this is one example of how music can bring one person to a different world. Me, I shall forever be a big Beatles fan, anytime and anywhere.

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